Tuesday 17 April 2018

 Kilburn Labour Party and local issues.

I recently announced  that I was standing for the council on Wembley Matters, partly because the Kilburn Labour are not interested in Kilburn issues.I was attacked By Pete Firmin who suggested I missed local branch meeting , which is untrue.

However I did stop going after April last year,because what I perceived as anti -semitism in the Kilburn Branch. 

The issues of anti-semitism in the Labour Party is topical at the moment .In April 15th 2017 ( a year ago) I wrote to the Branch raising my concerns about what was going on why we never discussed Kilburn Issues only issues on Israel.

Kilburn Labour Party have sent seven resolutions their constituency party  , all about Israel .They have send one resolution to Brent Council and you will not be surprised to know that two was about Israel.

My view

Is Jeremy Corbyn Anti-Semitic                                         NO

Is the Labour Party Anti-Semtic                                       NO

Do some Branches have an issue with anti -semitism.        YES 

I understand there is a formal complaint to the national about Kilburn Labour Party, which I fully understand.Here is the email I sent branch members.


Dear Members,
I have decided after being asked by a number of members to give you all a monthly up date of what I have been doing and what I believe was disturbing turn of events which took place at the Kilburn Branch meeting.
Well as you know momentum members deselected me after they placed me on a Blacklist ,they are really have no idea or understanding of what Blacklisting means in the TU movement . 
Well as the elected councilor, I continue carrying out my work on opposing the redistribution of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which means that precious resources will be taken from Kilburn and redistributed to other wealthier areas like Queens Park and Brondesbury Park. 
I also carried out two surgeries this month and have dealt with the continuing housing problems ,street cleansing and anti social behaviour problems.

The events at the branch meeting.
No local issues were discussed ,but a important discussion was held on the crisis in the NHS.Various views were expressed from A+E and the failure of after care and oh yeah the importances of homeopathic medicine in the NHS.

Following that discussion, Momentum members got to their REAL ISSUES. It would seem the Chair of the branch Stephane had agreed to do a job share with Neil Nerva as the K+H political officer. What Stephane did not know was that The Kilburn momentum members objected this , because he was also on their Blacklist and rather ominously said they "did not agreed with Neil's  politic's  ".I have know Neil for many years,he comes from a distinguish Labour Party family , that have work hard for the Labour Party for at least 50 years.Neil has work hard in the Anti Apartheid movement and his family have exposed cuts in the NHS. Where as I do always agree with Neil ,I believe he and his family have played an important role in local politics, he is particularly known for building bridges with the Jewish community,working hard with Jewish socialist groups to work for a solution in Palestine. I am concerned that the persecution of Neil is more about Momentum members believe his views are not hardline enough in denoucing Israel and I hope Stephane stands by his decision and will not allow this warped personal persecution of Neil Nerva to alter his decision  and continues to work with him 

The second item that had momentum members frothing , was the fact they the Chair of Hampstead and Kilburn contituency had refused to take an item from the momentum members in Kilburn condemning the Israel Government for trying to undermine the British Government .This is based on some drunk attaché saying he did not like Boris Johnson.The Chair of Hampstead and Kilburn constituency ( who I have never met) ruled it out of order.His ruling was challenge and the momentum members failed to get the 2/3 needed to challenge the chair .Now even they say that was in order but they still want him to humiliate him and force  a grovelling apology , which I hope he ignores. 

That whats goes on at Kilburn branch meeting . Blacklisting,personal persecution and attempts to humilate officers who do not support them. 

As they say "Not in My name"


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